Everhot Water Heater


How to Keep Your Geyser Safe From Hard Water

Like every other piece of electronic equipment – your geyser or electric water heater has a definite lifecycle. A geyser is heavily reliant on the quality of the water used for heating. Since desalinated seawater and groundwater are the primary sources of water supply in the UAE, prolonged use of hard water is very natural. But using hard water can significantly ruin the internal components of your geyser.

Corrosion can be exacerbated by sludge and the scale of continuous use of hard water, which, in turn, can decrease the efficiency of your geyser, thereby increasing the electricity bills. Electric geysers must be shielded from hard water and regularly serviced.

There are several methods for protecting your geyser from hard water and preserving the life of your equipment, and this article will provide you with specific insights.

The temperature of the water causes scaling in the geyser’s inner tank. Thus it’s critical to use a high-quality water heater. Let’s talk about specific steps against hard water that should be implemented to preserve water heaters for a long time.

What effect does hard water have on your water heater?

Using overly complex water may have a detrimental influence on the functioning of a water heater. Various things can go wrong if you use your geyser. For example :

  • Hard water can cause scaling

Your water heater may begin to scale up with prolonged use of hard water, which might cause the thermostat to fail. Scaling can reduce the heating effectiveness of your geyser. As a result, to heat the same volume of water, your water heater may have to work harder. Scaling can cause the heating element to stop operating in rare situations.

  • Metals are corroded faster by hard water

Hard water can ruin the physical components of your geyser. Excessive salt or chlorine in the water can cause tanks to corrode and leak.

  • Increasing electricity costs

It takes longer to heat hard water; thus, your geyser takes more electricity and resources. 

  • Water heater sedimentation

Specific mineral residues are left in the tank when hard water is heated. Sediments composed of these minerals blanket the tank’s surface. When you turn on your water heater, it may create a rumbling noise.

Enough said about the effects of hard water; let’s talk about how you can protect your geyser from hard water 

  • Maintain the efficiency of your water heater by getting it serviced regularly

Having your water heater serviced regularly is an excellent method to maintain corrosion-free. A six-monthly maintenance visit can assist prevent the corroding of the heater’s rod. Consequently, energy consumption is decreased, money is saved, and the product is expected to last longer. Regular geyser maintenance will help it function more effectively and last longer.

  • Sacrificial anode needs to be replaced regularly

To avoid corrosion from hard water, water heaters use a sacrificial anode. As a result, the anode that serves as the “sacrificial anode” eventually deteriorates, which must be refreshed regularly to minimize rust buildup in the tank and heating element. Water quality, on the other hand, influences anode frequency fluctuations.

  • Use Water softeners 

To soften hard water, one can utilize water softening equipment. A water softener eliminates calcium and magnesium from the water. Softeners can also keep salt from accumulating on the geyser’s walls. Soft water produces more lather, which benefits your skin and hair. 

  • Using Corrosion-resistant components 

If you have hard water, you should use corrosion-resistant geysers. One should prioritize the rust resistance of the tank and heating elements.

Now that you know what to do to protect your geyser from hard water let’s discuss some points that will help you choose the correct heater for longevity.

  • Energy efficient– Choose a geyser with the highest BEE (Bureau of Electricity Efficiency) rating to save power. If you want to save money on your electricity bill, choose a product with at least a four-star rating for energy efficiency.
  • Tank Quality– If you reside in a hard water location, it is suggested that you invest in a glass-lined tank for the increased corrosion protection it gives. Everhot water heaters are the only ones with Blue Diamond Glass Line technology, a special coating designed to increase their lifespan. It is also vital to consider the brand’s track record of offering good customer service.
  • Product Shape– Another aspect of choosing a geyser to protect against hard water is its orientation, which can be vertical, horizontal, or even square, depending on your preferences. You can pick between vertically oriented round and square objects in spaces with higher ceilings. Horizontally installed geysers are ideal for rooms with low ceilings (less than 9 feet). These geysers also look great in bathrooms with false ceilings.
  • Family Size- The number of individuals in your family who take hot showers during peak hours is a reasonable approximation of the size of the water heater you’ll require. A three-person household should use between 6 and 10 liters. A minimum of 25 liters is suggested for a group of four.

Installing a geyser allows you and your family to enjoy pleasant hot baths at any time, with no worries about running out of water or having an accident in the tub. Tank sizes, tank shapes (vertical and horizontal), storage capacity, energy efficiency ratings, and other features can all be adjusted when you choose an Everhot geyser.

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